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5 half-truths about creating your inspired work creativity inspired work

Even though you may have braved the long and arduous inner journey of getting clear about the work you are here to create, your story isn’t over yet. Now you have to walk the next chapter – actually bringing it into the world.

Whatever it is you are birthing – be it a useful tool, a piece of art, a consulting practice, a playful adventure, an educational program, a...

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A recipe for work made with love inspired work vision program

“Here, I made something for you, and I made it with love.” My client was explaining to me this is what it’s like for her to bake bread and share it with her friends and family. I said, “This is how I feel about work. Everything I offer is made and given with love.” She said, “Wow, it would really change how the world would work if we all perceived it in this...

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Have you chosen work from your wound or your desire? inspired work purpose quiz

He stared at me with anguish when he realized what he had done. Given that he is someone who had professed repeatedly that he has great difficulty in emoting his feelings, I realized this was not actually true. His grief was written all over his face.

We had just completed an exercise that was designed to help him determine his life purpose. I refer to this exercise as “the pivot”....

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6 stories keeping you stuck in your old job inspired work learn

This is an era of evolution like no other. We are being invited to step into a completely new paradigm both as individuals and as a humanity. If you are feeling the inner call towards something more expansive than what was before, then you know what I’m talking about. In relation to your work, you may also be feeling the desire for something more. You might be wanting to discover the work...

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Whose work do you celebrate? inspired work

There are tremendous new potentials being called through us at this time and I perceive us to be the generations who are responsible for creating the work of the future.

“Seek and celebrate the innovation and the evolution. It needs to be seen by us to grow.”
~ Lee Harris

These words struck a chord with me. If you don’t know who Lee Harris is, he refers to himself as an...

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The key stages to discovering your inspired work inspired work video

So many of us seek inspiration outside of ourselves, when in fact, it can only come from within. Your work is not “out there” – it comes from within you. Your only real “job” is to get into alignment with who you really are. When you do, you open to a source of energy that sets you on fire.

In this video, I share my story about rediscovering my own inspiration and...

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How to discover your work when you feel lost inspired work learn

Hiking is an activity that suits my personality well. I love having steady forward momentum. Along with my adventure buddy, I have hiked several thousand kilometres summiting dozens of different peaks throughout multiple mountain ranges. We are both skilled at finding our way in the wild, but there are definitely occasions when we get turned around, even lost. Though, as I like to say,...

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Nobody wants to work anymore. Or do they? inspired work story

If the work is disconnected from anything meaningful, then of course nobody wants to do it. Why would we? As a humanity, we have awakened to the notion that our lives matter and that our time on this planet is brief. We’ve been shaken out of the status quo and rushed pell-mell into a brand new reality. In this new world, many of us are feeling the call to make a genuine contribution...

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What it takes to venture out onto your own path inspired work learn

A few years ago, I attended my 25th-year reunion for my university class where I attained my degree in chemical engineering. Before the event, I was hesitant to go. During my time in the program, I always felt like a bit of an outsider, and that’s saying something given it’s a group of people who often already felt on the edges of society. Having said that, I enjoyed my stint at...

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The creative journey can be better together community creativity inspired work

No matter how capable we are, the act of creating our inspired work can be fraught with challenges that can sometimes be more easily navigated when we are travelling in the company of others.

I glanced over at the pair of them laughing together and I longed for the same. I’ve always prided myself on my fierce independence, but given the experience I had just been through, I sure...

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Clarity comes not from seeking the answers but living the questions inspired work workbook

I used to believe there was only one right answer to every question, such as the question “What am I meant to do for work?” I was very rigid in how I perceived myself and the world around me. Since then, I’ve been on an evolutionary journey in my relationship with questions and answers. I’ve also been on a parallel journey in the unfolding of my work. When I was young, I...

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5 classic books about discovering your inspired work books inspiration inspired work

When I was seeking clarity about the work that would be meaningful to me, I read every book about the topic I could get my hands on. It was through the lens of these authors that I began to reshape my entire concept of work. Beforehand, I perceived work as something we do, now I see work as an expression of who we are. Even though we are entering into a new paradigm of work, these classic reads...

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